I am always looking for new Valentine’s Day decorations and tend to be a little disappointed at the things I find. Maybe I am looking in all the wrong places, but I feel that there is hardly any Valentine’s Day…
DIY- Wood Heart Valentine Decor

I am always looking for new Valentine’s Day decorations and tend to be a little disappointed at the things I find. Maybe I am looking in all the wrong places, but I feel that there is hardly any Valentine’s Day…
My daughter and I had lots of fun working together to get these easy sew Valentine’s pillowcases and free printable done! The idea came from several years ago. While I was serving as a missionary our clothing had to be…
I went to Ricks College in Rexburg Idaho back in the day. The school is now BYU Idaho, (wow that probably dates me pretty bad). As much as I hate the cold, I loved my time in Rexburg. I…
This Christmas Advent Calendar is pretty simple for craft challenged people like me. This particular project is one that I am pretty proud of as I made it up completely on my own. I usually will find something on Pinterest…