Easter is coming so quick this year! Are you all ready? It’s easy to get caught up in the fun of Easter with the Easter Bunny, baskets, Easter egg hunts and food but I want my children to know WHY we…
2 Easter Family Home Evening Ideas For All Ages

The Thankful Heart – How Deliberate Gratitude Can Change Every Texture of Our Lives by Richard and Linda Eyre It’s that time of year. Falling leaves, crisp cool air, sweaters, pumpkins, family. Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday that is virtually overlooked…
“Gratitude helps us see what is there instead of what isn’t” — Annette Bridges Isn’t this quote so true? In the last LDS Women’s Conference President Uchdorf told a story about a young girl who had no desire to spend the summer with…
I had a fantastic time at the Uplift Families Conference! I met some amazing people and learned lots of new things to help my own little family in our pursuit for more happiness. The winds were super crazy and…
Gratitude has been emphasized over and over again as a way to improve your happiness levels for the past few decades. Gratitude journals and saying something your are thankful for at the end of the day are great ways to…