Scrunchies are back!! Being the mother of teens, I am kept up to date on the latest trends. Many of them coming back from my childhood and teenage years. Overalls, leggings, acid washed jeans, jumpsuits, and SCRUNCHIES! I always wore…
Complicated Migraine-that’s all it was?
Last week I had a good scare with my 12 year old son. I want to share our experience in hope that it might help someone out there. After all we went through, I found out that it is a…
Chocolate Rosebud Boquet
The end of the school year is coming up quick along with end of year concerts and AAAA! Graduation. I have both of those happening in my family this year. My daughter is on dance-co at her school and…
Memorial Day, More than an excuse to Barbecue
As most people know, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in the service of the United States of America. In the beginning, Memorial Day was actually called Decoration Day. With everyone being affected personally…