See the Happy

Spontuneous – Family Fun Game Night


This weekend we had a lot of fun while trying out this fun new game Spontuneous. It was great to get together as a family and have some laughs. It seems like we are all so busy all the time with work, kids (and all that entails), keeping house etc. Life is so crazy and getting together as a family seems like it usually only happens if we make it a priority. It reminded me of this quote from Wes Fesler who was an amazing athlete and coach. He said “Spending time as a family is not a matter of convenience, it is a matter of priority.” This goes along with our own little family, and our extended family. We have to MAKE time to be together or time will just pass us by.

When I saw this opportunity to host a party for Spontuneous I jumped at the chance! We have many people in our family who sing all the time and I thought this one would be fun.


Basically each person writes down a few “trigger words”. You go around the circle and when it’s your turn you are the “tune smith” and will say one of your trigger words. The rest of the players have 15 seconds to sing or say a song that has that word in it. The first person to sing or say 5 words to the song that has that trigger word in it gets to roll the dice and they have an opportunity to move on the board. If no one can sing or say a song with that word, the tune smith has to sing a song with that word in it to prove that they actually know a song with that word in it. Whoever gets to move on the board and lands on one the treble clefs has to pick up a card that can either help them or hurt them. Some were silly- the player had to yodel for 15 seconds or, my sister had to sing the Star Spangled Banner to move forward. Some of the cards made people move back a few spaces, which made the game really interesting! Those of us who were not as good at the game (me) still had a chance to win!


Everyone enjoyed Spontuneous and we had a bunch of laughs. I loved that even the younger kids got into it!  Some of my family members were so happy we were able to try out the game, now they have the perfect gift for other family members for Christmas!DSC_0931




Some people were super tricky (MEG!) one of her trigger words was “wig”, she had us all stumped! When she sang “Down by the Bay”, we realized knowing all the kids songs really pays off!


Tryazon offered a free game to whomever won the game, and that was my niece! She was REALLY good at Spontuneous!

Spending time with family is the best! Making memories and enriching our relationships is what it is all about. What is a game does your family all like to play together?

See the Happy!





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