I hope you all are having a great summer. Ours has been busy, but there are days when my kids are “SO BORED”. That’s when my mama creative brain gets going and I try to make some fun things…
Photo Hanger made from a Thrift Store Find-DIY

I hope you all are having a great summer. Ours has been busy, but there are days when my kids are “SO BORED”. That’s when my mama creative brain gets going and I try to make some fun things…
My husband travels a lot for work and being Stake President in our church, he is gone a lot with meetings and such. Plus we have 5 kids who are getting older so I have at least two in the…
Over the last few months I have become a little bit obsessed with hand lettering. I want so badly to be able to write beautifully like Melissa Esplin or Lisa Funk (these are only a few that I follow who have great…
*Tryazon gave me an Ozobot and even one to give away in return for a review. All opinions are mine alone. When I saw these key features of the Ozobot I thought me boys would love it. Learn &…
Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in one of his talks, “In family relationships love is really spelled T-I-M-E.” I believe this is true. So here are some fun Christmas ornaments you can make with your children and spend time together…